Sunday, May 30, 2010

Annie the Cruiser

During the day, we're usually out on our bikes, jogging with the kids in the stroller, playing at the park, working out at the park-playing outside. Since I've had to lay low and not push the kids in the stroller, our activities have changed. I've tried to keep up with all of Annie's "exploring". She's into everything. She started walking on her own this week.

We are still loving quiet time. a chance for Apollo to look at books on his own (or play quietly) and for him to see that we like reading.

We read some books or sing songs right before bed. Apollo has skipped a couple naps this week (he stays in his room for a couple of hours but sometimes finds too much to play with to sleep).

A hornet flew into our house and I trapped it under the window. The kids loved watching it.

I finished Apollo's bookshelf. Good thing I took a pic before Apollo and Annie started reading their books. I talked to Apollo about cleaning his room so the other day he had been playing with toys and put them all on his bookshelf. He told me he was cleaning up his bedroom.

We take our pregnancy test on Tues. I have never been happier. We have so much fun in our little family-I would love for another little person to join in our joy. The meds I'm on make me pretty emotional and I'm ready to know either way...just want to know, to move on if I need to.


Jen said...

What a crazy/exciting time for you guys! Thanks for sharing your trials and all the fun things you have been doing. Your kids look like so much fun! I miss little Apollo. That seems like so long ago since I have seen him, but blogs are great because I feel like I know him well:) I love that he has quiet time. Naps are very shotty for us these days. Seth has such an imagination that he can keep himself busy in his room for hours without falling asleep (even with no toys in there:). I will miss when he gives up naps completely! Right now it has morphed into a "quiet time" too!

Tukuafu's said...

Keep us updated.. we love you guys!! :)

James, Cameo, Jacob, and Eli said...

What a fun little family you have - and with another on the way!! I love keeping up to date on what you guys are doing. We hope to see you in July!