Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Signs of Winter.

My mom and dad texted me a couple pictures of all the snow they're getting.  Mom said she was snowed in and couldn't make it to church last Sunday.  Well, we are surrounded by beautiful lawns, flowers, and great weather.  I did find a sign of changing seasons and snapped some pics as the kids biked around the neighborhood.  Love the berries in this first pic-green and red.




 Shannon and I had a great day at Disneyland with the kiddos.  The guys joined us later after work.

 Here's our little Darth Vaders in Small World:)

 It looks beautiful all decorated for Christmas.

 The rolly ferris wheel.

 Paper airplanes.  We are all loving preschool.

Annie and Apollo helped me make cookies to celebrate Breaking Dawn.

 We frosted the black cookies with red frosting.  I asked Apollo which cookie he wanted and he said "I want a heart because I love Annie."  Annie wanted a heart because Apollo had one.

 I've been freezing everything lately.  We froze our extra dough for another day.

 Decorating for Christmas.  We love our new decorations-decorating a house is so much more fun than a tiny apartment.

I made these stockings out of old sweaters.  I'll post more about how I did it on my creative blog.

Carol threw me an amazing shower.  She always goes above and beyond.  Thanks Joanie for all you did too!  Suzana's house looked so pretty.

We had some friends over after the Breaking Dawn movie to celebrate the wedding of Bella and Edward.

 Christie and Tyler brought "dog food".  Very very yummy Muddy Buddies.  You can google chex muddy buddies if you want a really yummy treat.  They looked so cute and looked like they were dressed up for a real wedding.

 Mike and Jennifer brought bleeding cupcakes (they looked awesome inside).  Mike sported a mustache and looked like Charlie in his flannel shirt.


Tara said...

You are such a cute pregnant woman! I love the name, too! How close are you getting? Looks like you are having lots of fun, as usual! :-)

Jodi said...

I love your signs of winter, so funny, and that cute picture of annie on her bike.

Your Breaking Dawn party looks like it was so fun.

It was great to see you guys and your cute family over the weekend.

Jodi said...

Your other blog won't let me post comments? I love your stocking idea. I might try it.