Friday, November 20, 2009

Outta the House

Apollo and I look up pics on google of animals. I point to the letters and he says them as he types. We looked up monkeys the other day-she has the same hairdo as Annie. Bald in the front with wispy longer hair in the back. Apollo always had thick hair that we had to cut all the time. Boys always have the thick hair and long eyelashes.

We are starting to feel better and are getting out of the house now that we're not in the middle of potty training anymore. Today was the first day back working out with the girls again. I thought I was going crazy being in the house for so long and needing sleep myself to get over my cold. It is amazing what a little girl time can do. I got to see my crocheting club last week and I had a bunch of girls over this week to make hair stuff. Last night I we celebrated the New Moon (I'll post pics later). I'm a better mom when I can be away for awhile. I'm looking forward to February. I'm getting together with some old teaching pals to see Lion King. I'm not a good "stay at home" mom. Being shut in the house for too long makes me antsy. Carleton has even had to do the shopping because I couldn't take Apollo while he was being potty trained.

Apollo has said some funny things lately that I wanted to remember:

Just now the kids were sitting on the bathroom counter looking into the mirror. Apollo said, "I look in the mirror. I like what I see." Then, he pointed to the elephant on his shirt saying, "I look so cute." He had a library book once where the girl was looking in the mirror and said how she liked what she saw.

He kept saying Mommy Mommy and when I would say "what" he would just look at me. I was getting frustrated trying to get lunch going for everyone. He told me, "Be Happy." I tell him that if he's whiny. That cheered me up.

The other day I told him I was going to the bathroom and he told me, "Go bathroom-play with Annie." So, I left and he played with Annie.


Jacqui said...

"I'm a better mom when I can be away for awhile." AMEN, sista! I am exactly the same. With a 2-3 hour breather every once in awhile, I am a new woman. And I think I'd die without the gym. It is so nice.

I am entering a new phase, though. Having my very own built in babysitter is just around the corner!!! WOO!

Jacqui said...

PS This is exactly why I have not potty trained Babe yet. She is SOOO ready, but I am not ready to be a shut-in.