Sunday, March 14, 2010


We always have a plan for our dates but this weekend we just went to the Spectrum-looked through a couple shops and then to Borders. I think Carleton is super funny so it's fun just hanging out with him. At Borders, I got to catch up on all the latest Hollywood gossip, found some fun ideas to try, and got motivated to do a triathlon-also, they have great steamers.

I found these cute shoes for Annie at Old Navy under 7 bucks. Carleton said she might fit them in 10 years.

At Old Navy, I also bought flip flops for 5 bucks and want to try out this project I found on the blog Make it and Love it. I'll post them on the creative blog when I'm done.

Meanwhile, our little man was having the time of his life (no, not sleeping) with his buddy Donny. They turned the room upside down playing and having fun. We got there just before 11pm and the boys had only slept for 45 minutes! (his bedtime is 7:30). Suzana heard Donny say "Wake up, Apollo!" after which they chattered and played until we arrived. Suzana said Apollo would pretend to sleep when she walked by their room. Apollo had been so excited all day to see his buddy. I said, "Is Donny your good friend?" and he said "He is a good friend to me. He shares with me". Apollo left with a big smile on his face. I was happy Apollo had a fun time. He was passed out this morning when we tried to wake him up.

One of the funniest things this week was playing dodge ball with the toilet paper we got from Costco. Apollo and I were playing catch with them. After Carleton got home, we started playing dodge ball. Carleton and I were chucking them pretty hard (just for our turns with each other). After we had each gone, Apollo says "my turn!" We laughed so hard. It was hilarious to be throwing stuff at a 2 year old and having him try to get away. Then he said "Annie's turn!" so Carleton moved Annie as we "threw" them at her. I used them as drums for primary music time today. They were a hit.

It's so fun now that Apollo can play games. He loves Candy Land and Jenga. I really could freeze him at this age. He'll feed Annie and he cleans up after himself. Mealtime is easier now that he can put his milk back in the fridge, dishes in the sink, and trash in the trash. He keeps us laughing constantly.


James, Cameo, Jacob, and Eli said...

I also love the stage where they start playing games - it's so fun to interact with them that way! Are you the music leader in Primary? I just got released as the pianist, but I got called to sub next week for the music leader. Pianist is definitely way easier!!

Ali said...

What a cute flip flop idea! Yours look great. I'm glad Apollo is at such a great stage and you are living it up!

Ali said...

I love that blog and saw those flip flops--so cute! It's fun to see your kids growing up. Apollo is so responsible. I'm impressed. You're a great mom!