We got going again on flat ground and the same thing happens again!! The stroller all of the sudden took a sharp turn to the left and tipped over on the asphalt this time. Annie added a good bump to the head. The wheel lock had been adjusted to the far left so when we got going fast enough, it went to that position. We took it off the lock and thankfully made it home without a third flip. I bet the kids are looking forward to their stroller ride tomorrow morning.
Ecclesiastes chp. 3 ...a time to break down, and a time to build up. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn. A time to lose; and a time to keep. I do have two beautiful children and a very happy life but we were excited about the new addition to our family and had sacrificed a lot to bring it here. This loss has been hard to go through and it has been a crushing few days for me. In the morning, I feel like a truck has run over me and it's hard to get going. At times I have been overwhelmed by sadness and I am thankful for the hours that I have had to grieve, for friends that have watched the kids, for Carleton's flexible boss, and for conversations with family and friends. It was especially hard the morning after finding out and then Carleton leaving for work. I dropped the kids off and could barely make it home. I called Mom because I could think of no other way to get control of myself. She was probably worried about me. My mom is very understanding and Dad called back with some good advice.
Even though this has been an excruciating week, it has also been a week of blessings. At my church, I am the music leader for primary and nursery. I was overcome with the beautiful faces of my nursery kids as they were singing. I have been so thankful for the kind words of friends and family that have really pulled me through. I am so thankful for Carleton. He just lets me cry on him when I need to at random times and always says just the right thing.